Sunday, September 17th, 5 PM -- FAITH + WORKS:
Evolving Consciousness -- Rachel E. Diken
Rachel E. Diken is a poet and playwright whose work focusses on the intersection of the ancient and the modern, which she believes to be the location of the timeless. She writes a monthly theatre column at The Atticus Review and a daily haiku via Twitter @haikuavenue. Visit for projects and events.
Tuesday, September 26th, -- Board of Trustees meeting,
venue and time TBA.
Monday, October 16th, 7 PM - 9 PM --
Potluck at the HUUB: Asset-Based Community Development
Join us for an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) refresher. We will discuss what ABCD is all about and what the HUUB is up to, plus musical reflections with Music City, art making, and more.
Wednesday, October 25th, 10-11 AM & 5-6 PM -- Informational Grant Workshops for
HANDS/HUUB Neighborhood Project Grants (Round 2) See Flyer.
Sunday, October 29th, 5 PM -- "Marigold Bakes a Cake" -- Michael Malbrough
[NOTE: This service was canceled on account of a severe rainstorm, and rescheduled for Feb.25,2018 ]
Tuesday, October 31st, 10-11 AM & 5-6 PM -- Informational Grant Workshops for
HANDS/HUUB Neighborhood Project Grants (Round 2) See Flyer
Friday, November 3rd, 10 AM to 12:30 PM --
Learn to Control Your Diabetes
First session of a free six-week Diabetes Self-Management Program workshop, by the Everyone with Diabetes Counts organization, on Fridays, Nov.3, Nov. 10, Nov. 17, Dec.1, Dec.8, and Dec.15 - all from 10 AM to 12:30 PM. Register by contacting Jarmaine Williams, (732) 955-8168. For more information see Workshop flyer.
Sunday, November 12th, 5 PM --
Faith in an Urban Ministry -- Charlie Wirene
Charlie is a builder, urban ecologist, and social justice advocate. His practice is focused on making communities more inclusive, responsible, and sustainable. To celebrate the second anniversary of The HUUB and his role as its founding Managing Director, Charlie will talk about his unexpected introduction to Unitarian Universalism, building a successful urban ministry, and how his work has been bringing the UU principles to life since before he had even heard of them.
Monday, November 27th, 6 PM (doors open at 5:30 PM) --
Building Solidarity Potluck, in Parish Hall.
We will have a planning session for the HUUB's campus, art activities, and discussions about anything else on your mind. Please bring a dish to share! The Facebook event page can be found here:
Friday, December 1st, 6:30 PM --
Remembering Rosa: A Concert for Peace
A free community concert for peace to commemorate Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott; hosted by the University of Orange, at The HUUB, 35 Cleveland Street, Orange. Featuring performances by student groups, church choirs, and musicians from Orange NJ. Performers include: Sonic Explorations, Ebenezer Baptist Church Gospel Choir, Lincoln Avenue School Choir, Rosa Parks Community School Choir, and more...
Sunday, December 10th, 5 PM --
Protagonists of Hope -- Robert Sember Flyer
On June 6, 1976, school students in Soweto refused to participate in a system that was educating them to be oppressed. This uprising set in motion the forces that would eventually topple the Apartheid system. That year, our presenter, Robert Sember, was 13 years old - the same age as many of the students who led the struggle. What he witnessed that year taught him that while we might not have chosen the histories into which we are born, we can be protagonists of the future. Robert will discuss what he has learned from his experiences in South Africa and the US about what it means be a protagonist of hope.
Robert Sember is Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts at The New School’s Eugene Lang College and a Senior Associate at the Center for Social Innovation where he focuses on how changes to the U.S. health care system affect the lives of people with mental health and addiction needs. Born in 1963 in South Africa and raised under Apartheid system, he was active in the war resistance and gay rights movements. After arriving in the United States in 1989, he joined social movements here, and contributed to public health interventions and research concerned with the HIV/AIDS crisis. Robert has taught at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, where he also served on the Center for Evaluation and Technical Assistance and the Secretariat for the International Working Group on Sexuality and Social Policy. He is also currently on the faculty of the University of Amsterdam’s Summer Institute on Sexuality, Culture, and Society and is a member of the international art collective, Ultra-red, founded in 1992 in Los Angeles by AIDS activists, sound artists, and musicians. As a member of Ultra-red, he has worked with museums, art and educational institutes, and community organizations across the world.
Monday, December 18th, 6 PM to 9 PM (doors open at 5:30 PM) --
The HUUB's Holiday Building Solidarity Potluck, in Parish Hall.
We will be crafting holiday cards, decorating cookies, button making, origami, and reflecting on the past year. Please bring a dish to share! Facebook event for Holiday Potluck:
Monday, January 15th, 6 PM (doors open at 5:30 PM) --
Building Solidarity Potluck at the HUUB, in Parish Hall.
Join us as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day and recommit to our resistance and solidarity. Please bring a dish to share! Facebook event page for this Potluck:
Sunday, January 28th, 5 PM -- Gatherings of the Good People: A Journey -- Jim Gilbert
A child of turbulence – a high school dropout, dope fiend, alcoholic and ex-con, Jim Gilbert began a journey of hope in 1969 by way of safety net experiences (that are no longer available in the twenty-first century). The transition from utter despair to peace of mind was a redemptive experience, made possible by many gatherings of good people - which include peace activists, educational mentors, a Twelve Step community, and UU congregations. Beginning his life’s work as an assistant counselor in the Narcotic Addiction Control Commission and then proceeding to embark on a Social Work career - GED, City University, graduate and post graduate studies, he worked for thirtyfive years in the South Bronx, where he was privileged to meet a young man named Kalief, who was an exceptional person, destined for greatness.
Jim speaks of the end of that time, "Kalief took his life in 2015 and as a 'corrective action', my employers terminated my job. Kalief's passing and the forced retirement left me in a state of grief and anger. My good friend, Mindy Fullilove, has been suggesting for years that I write a memoir. In that unemployment provides much discretionary time, Mindy suggested that I join her and a group of writers in monthly discussions and begin writing. This group provided an important addition to ‘gatherings of good people’ - resulting in a life’s story that thematically produced parallels between Kalief's life and mine, which added much clarity to the burning question of why Kalief died and I survived. I would be honored to share an overview of this story with fellow UU’s."
Neighborhood Project Grant Workshops:
We will be reading excerpts from Howard Zinn and Anthony Amove's Voices of a People’s History of the United States as a way to address America's past and present inequalities, and reflect together over a delicious potluck dinner.
The facebook event page can be found here:
Sunday, February 25th, 5 PM -- "Marigold Bakes a Cake" -- Michael Malbrough
Michael will read selections from his recently published children's book, "Marigold Bakes a Cake."
Michael Malbrough is an author/illustrator and, before that, a freelance graphic designer, comic book artist, performer and teacher with a career spanning two decades. He is the director of ORNG Ink, an after-school studio for young artists, and has received several awards and honors for his work in the community with children and teens. Mike lives in Orange NJ with his wife, two adventurous kids, and a cat named Agnes that hates him. Learn more about him at
Thursday, March 1st, 6 PM --HUUB Board Meeting, Sonen Room.
Monday, March 12th, 6 PM -- Solidarity Potluck at the HUUB
This month, our friends from the University of Orange's music department will be discussing their new course, Community Musicology.
Monday, March 12th, 7:30 PM -- Board of Trustees Meeting
Sunday, March 25th, 5 PM -- FAITH + WORKS: Uncommon Sense -- Pam Shaw
The title, a term used in 12 Step Recovery, is also used to describe how a spiritually reliant life often seems at odds with popular myths or conventional wisdom.
Pam Shaw is an artist and designer who lives and works in the Heights section of Jersey City, NJ. Active in local politics and community groups, including animal rescue, she helps others to recover from alcoholism and addictions (people rescue?). Born in Worcester MA, and raised in New Hampshire, she left home at 15 for bigger cities - first Syracuse NY where she studied art and philosophy, then New York City.
This presentation will be followed by a special dinner, in honor of our new members! Hosted by Darcy Hall and Mindy Fullilove. Please RSVP to office [at] essexuu [dot] org to help us plan for the food, which will come from fabulous local eateries! Thank you!
Monday, April 16th, 6 PM -- Solidarity Potluck at the HUUB
Saturday, April 28th, 3 PM to 6 PM --
Placemaking 10: Homeboy Came to Orange -- a University of Orange presentation at The HUUB
Join us for the release of the new edition of Homeboy Came to Orange, a story about coalition-building, people's power, and the civil rights movement.
Featuring The Cotton Series: Birth of Workforce, choreographed by Havanna Fisher.
Reflections by Urbanists in Residence:
Sunday, April 29th, 5 PM -- FAITH + WORKS:
The Integrity of Mindfulness As A Framework For Justice -- Marisela Gomez
Justice work requires a constant turning toward our values, and affirming that the work we are engaged in is consistent with them. This requires remembering, over and over again, that ethics and integrity guide us. Mindfulness is a skillful way to do this.
Marisela Gomez is a scholar activist from Baltimore MD. She received her PHD, MD, and MPH from Johns Hopkins University and has spent more than 20 years engaged in social determinants of health participatory research. Dr. Gomez is a Buddhist in the Thich Nhat Hanh tradition.
Monday, May 14th, 6 PM -- Solidarity Potluck at the HUUB
This month we will hear from Chris Matthews, an archaeology professor at Montclair State who has been working on a "story map" of Orange. Dr. Margaux Simmons and Doug Farrand of the University of Orange Music Department will lead us in an activity for their Community Musicology course.
At last month's potluck, Matt Smith of the Poor People's Campaign spoke with us about their upcoming weekly rallies at state capitals all over the country. The first of these six rallies will be on the same day as this potluck, May 14th, at 2pm in Trenton. We will discuss more of what the Poor People's Campaign does and how to support their work. The first week's theme is Children, Women, Youth, People with Disabilities, and the Right to Education.
Sunday, May 20th, 1 PM -- FAITH + WORKS: Flower Communion
In this new iteration of Dr. Capek's idea, we encourage everyone to join us this day to bring and plant flowers on the beautiful border of our new walkway! Please gather in the Parish Hall for a brief ceremony before proceeding to the front lawn. Please dress comfortably and bring a trowel, if you have one! Donations of plantings welcomed (perennials preferred)!
Monday, June 11th, 6 PM -- Solidarity Potluck at the HUUB
We will be painting with HUUB Fellow Stephen Batiz, making posters for the last Poor Peoples Campaign rallies, and celebrating another great year at the HUUB.
Tuesday, June 12th, 7:30 PM --
Board of Trustees Meeting, Sonen Room.
Besides reports, the Board will be discussing the upcoming Annual Meeting agenda and 2018/19 budget.
Thursday, June 14th, 6 PM to 7:30 PM --
Collective Recovery Training - Charlie Wirene and the HUUB Fellows, 2nd floor of Hale House, 47 Cleveland Street.
. This training provides tools for organizations, institutions (including churches), and community groups to incorporate collective recovery into their existing programming to help Orange become a city of healing.
Thursday, June 14th, 7:30 PM -- Syria Supper Club
We're so excited to be hosting this event! These Syrian refugees are amazing cooks are and will prepare a Syrian meal and then eat and celebrate with us at they break their fast on this last day of Ramadan. Tickets are $33, all of which goes to cover food costs and to pay the family for their work in preparing the meal. Hoping it will be the first of more to come, but this special day is the end of Ramadan, Eid Al Fitr, and we feel so lucky to be able to share this event and help these families feel at home here in New Jersey. Join us! Buy tickets here
Sunday, June 17th, 5 PM -- FAITH + WORKS: Listening to Statues of Women -- Darcy Hall
In the past few years scholars, municipal governments and urban citizen-strollers have begun to question the historic connections, personal actions and values of statues of the "Great Men" on our streets and in our public parks. But what about statues of women? Where are they? Who are they? And why are they naked or barely dressed? Long time church member Darcy Hall will give a talk on the history, background and significance of statues of women in New York, women of might and power--who never actually existed but might have something to say to us in 2018.
This will be followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting at 6 PM in the Parish Hall.